

Violinist Roberto González-Monjas

Violinist Roberto González-Monjas

The Spanish violinist and conductor Roberto González-Monjas (RG) is a wonderful artist. We, the Cre@tive Media Jugend Camp Bloggers (CMCB) interviewed him about his musical career.

CMCB: Why did you choose exactly that instrument?
RG: I remember seeing a video Anne-Sophie Mutter, and that was the moment where I told my parents: I want a violin, I want a violin.

CMCB: How long have you been playing your instrument?
RG: Since I was three years old, that means 27 years.

CMCB: What’s your favorite piece to play?
RG: I don’t have one favorite, but I like to say the one I play at the moment. I think it’s a good philosophy, because you treat the piece with a lot of respect.

CMCB: How long do you practice for a concert?
RG: It’s very, very different to be honest. In Lockenhaus it’s very little, because we play so many pieces in one week. But it really depends, I don’t like to practice a lot if I don’t have to, I just practice how much I need.

CMCB: What is special about the Lockenhausfestival?
RG: Everything actually. The fact that you have a group if wonderful friends, very inspiring musicians. You also have this very busy schedule with so many concerts happening up and down. The audience is very appreciating. I think Lockenhaus is an institution by itself, it’s so famous. So, everything is special, it’s just the combination.

CMCB: Which music are you listening to, beside classic?
RG: Jazz, there are no special artists. But I also like film music.

CMCB: Where do you take your inspiration from?
RG: From anyone and everyone. It can be nature, it can be a friend who inspires me to play better. But it can also be a human in motion. Everything can inspire you.

CMCB: About which musical mistake can you laugh today?
RG: There are many actually. Probably the fact that early concerts can be difficult. So today I was maybe very slow ate reacting.

CMCB: Do you have a special ritual before every concert?
RG: Maybe when I change my clothes into my concert clothes, that’s the moment when I realize that I’m going to perform. But I try to be very natural with it.

CMCB: If you wouldn’t be a musician, which job would you have?
RG: Either architect or chef. I like the idea of creating spaces or creating experiences for people which they can enjoy, like music.

CMCB: What does the topic „Creatio“ mean to you?
RG: Everything that has to do with our world. Creating, helping create. Just producing something which changes lives and makes people happy.

Text: Lilith Schnabl (16)
Fotocredits: Amelie Erlach (13)

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